Dear my lovely Miracle-Makers,

I hope you’re all well and happy!

I’m curious to know how you are flowing with life? It feels like changes are finally happening, which I know so many of us have been waiting for. Change is wonderful, but it also brings up old situations and unresolved feelings that need to be cleared in order to fully grow into what’s coming next. If this is your experience, I hope you are taking the time to connect with yourself and to sit with your feelings, and are showing yourself plenty of kindness.

My new shift is finding a wonderful beach-side apartment in Vancouver. I have been living with my parents for the past two years since coming back to Canada, and I have been grateful for the soft place to land after being abroad for 20 years. It has also been lovely to spend quality time together after being away for so long. But life is telling me to settle in properly in Vancouver. The whole experience of finding my apartment was so easy, which is a gift in a city like Vancouver. But it’s also been a bit overwhelming, as I am creating a new home from scratch. As well, simple things such as setting up internet and hydro are a mystery, since I haven’t ever had to do it in my own home country!! I continue to remind myself to surrender to the flow and trust that everything will happen in perfect time.

Surrender was actually the topic of this month’s Miracle Monday, and we had a beautiful session. Do check out this month’s videos on my Facebook page for insights:

Last month’s Miracle Monday and videos were on Expanding into Abundance. The topic came about as I was going through an extremely challenging period. It struck me that I needed to consciously stay in a state of expansion no matter what was happening. It’s too easy to constrict in fear and cut off the channel to inspiration, change and Miracles. So my big question to you is: how do you stay open to life, no matter what is happening? Do check out my videos for some tips:

Miracle Monday: December 9th, 6 – 8 pm at Hycroft Manor

Topic: Reflect & Review

As 2019 draws to a close, this is the opportunity to review the past year from a GROWTH perspective. Rather than looking at what the results you’ve achieved, we’re going to dive into the juiciness of the process.

What stretched and challenged you, and how did you expand within? What lessons were the most rewarding and the most challenging? And how do you feel about the person that you’ve become as a result?

We will also look to the next year, open ourselves to further expansion and excitedly invite in all that we are ready for.

EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!- New workshop!!Sex, Style & yourSelf: January 25th 2020. 11 am – 5 pm at Hycroft Manor

A collaboration with Personal Stylist & Image Consultant Aarti Bhagat and sex therapist Dr. Kaitlyn Goldsmith. We’ve been working hard all year on this workshop, and we’re so excited to be delivering it into the world. Join us as to explore fashion, intimacy and your own emotions to connect more deeply with yourself, and to express yourself more fully in life!

A full day workshop for women and anyone who identifies as a woman. Tickets go on sale on December 1st, and early-bird tickets are available until January 10th 2020. We have room for 50 women, and we anticipate selling out quickly, so do get your tickets soon! (All tickets include lunch).I do hope you will join us!

I am also taking on new clients. If you’re ready to change your relationship with yourself, and readily create the life you are craving, do get in touch! I would love to speak with you and plan how to support you!

Thanks so much to all of you who have supported my work, particularly during my re-settlement in Vancouver. I am deeply grateful to all of you for joining my workshops and for our 1:1 work together. Thank you for your openness and your insights, which have brought me so much growth. And thank you for the warm embrace of me and my work here in Vancouver.

Warm wishes,
xx Jobina

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