Dear Miracle-Makers,I hope you’re all well and enjoying a wonderful start to the fall!! I can’t believe that we’re so near to a new year!! How are things manifesting for you? In my case, I decided to surrender everything (which will in fact be the topic for my videos in November- do stay tuned!). I am going with the flow, trying to take more care of myself (which includes a new gym membership and a commitment to get there at least once a week- baby steps :)), and doing things that truly make me happy. As most of you know, I am a contemporary dancer, and I took part in a wonderful 3-day intensive last weekend. It reminded me how much joy I get from moving and expressing myself. I also made a firm commitment to myself to spend more time being creative. Between my day job and the coaching business, I have been up to my eyes in work. My creative endeavours (even just as a hobby), have fallen by the wayside. But since taking the intensive, I realise how essential movement and creativity are to my well-being and happiness- it’s not just a wish, but a necessity!What is essential to your joy, and will you do to act on it? I would love to know!VIDEOSSeptember’s videos were on manifestation. I love working with manifestation- which essentially is working with energy- in order to create our dream lives. When using energy as our source, we understand the impact of our thoughts, feelings, words and actions on our vibration and therefore how we create. The beauty is that we form a deeper connection with ourselves and life. Please do watch here to learn more! Miracle Monday:The next Miracle Monday is on October 7th, from 6 to pm at Hycroft. The exciting topic is Expanding into Abundance! is not only a physical concept, but an energetic action. Success and abundance are based on our ability to expand and grow.This will be an interactive workshop, where we will learn to connect further with ourselves and with life, in order to align naturally with our desires. We will understand how we sabotage ourselves, and how to become free of everything holding us back. And then we will expand BEYOND what we thought possible, to be able to finally create the lives we crave.It all starts with our way of thinking and imaging- once we shift on the inside, Miracles WILL happen!!Join us on October 7th, and tap into your unlimited potential to create spiritual, financial, emotional and physical abundance.The dates and topics for the rest of the Miracle Mondays in 2019 are:November 4th: SurrenderDecember 9th: Inner Attunement for creating MiraclesI will send out further details in the next newsletters.CoachingI am also taking on new clients. If you’re ready to change your relationship with yourself, and ready create the life you are craving, do get in touch! I would love to speak with you and plan how to support you!To making Miracles together!xx Jobina