Hello Miracle-Makers,

I hope you’re all well and happy, and enjoying a wonderful start to spring! It feels so nice to have sun and to be able to shed the heavy layers of winter. The air feels lighter, smells sweeter, and is full of promise. I’m so excited to see what the next few months bring!

My topic for the April videos was Choosing Love- my absolute FAVOURITE topic to speak about! 

Choose Love means choosing a higher and more expanded state of consciousness- one that allows you to see the truth of the situation, and allows you to respond accordingly.

We all have free will- we can CHOOSE how we feel about a certain situation. We can shift our hearts and our minds to see the the situation with love and compassion  

In choosing Love, we choose a more productive way of thinking and one that helps us grow.   

We have more self-esteem, self-love, compassion and love for others. Choosing Love is the key to changing our relationships with ourselves, with others and with life itself.

Please do watch my videos below and dive deeper! Learn to shift into Love, and how doing so WILL change your life.

In order to change anything, we need to change our state of consciousness. Choosing Love changes everything!!

How choosing Love helps us to see all possibility

Love is a CHOICE, and one to be made at every moment of every day


I am delighted to be launching my new monthly workshop series- Miracle Mondays!!

Miracle Mondays are a new monthly event designed to radically shift your thinking!

Albert Einstein said that:: “There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a Miracle, or as though everything is a Miracle.”

Miracle Mondays will be held on the 2nd Monday of each month, from 6 to 8 pm at Hycroft Manor. Tickets are $15 each, or bring a friend and pay $10 each!

JUNE 10th: The Miracle of Relationships
Relationships bring us our greatest lessons and growth. They are where we learn the most about ourselves- how we show up in life, where we need to create boundaries, and how we can relax into love. They also mirror back to us those tucked-away places within ourselves that are asking for healing, in order to grow into our greatest version of ourselves.

Join us to learn more about how to use this mirror of relationships to deepen your understanding about yourself, as well as with all the relationships in your life.

Warm wishes to all of you, and here’s to making Miracles together!

xx Jobina

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