Dear Miracle-Makers,
I hope you are all well and happy, and enjoying a wonderful start to the week. I am so amazed that we are in May already! Where has the time gone? It feels like we only recently came into 2017, and now we are nearly halfway through.
How was this first part of 2017 been for you? I encourage you to take the time to reflect on this, and remember to congratulate yourself for everything you have accomplished.
This take me to the topic of this week’s newsletter- Kindness– and in particular, to ourselves.
MIRACLE TIP: Kindness: Our Greatest Miracle
Last week, confidence coach Victoria Hodder and I led a workshop on Self-Worth. This is a topic that is close to my heart, and I was curious to see how others would respond.
I was awed by our participants, who fearlessly went so deep with themselves and each other. Their openness in being seen, their honesty as they did so, and their courage to transform were a privilege to witness. The workshop was more profound than I had anticipated.
One aspect that struck me the most, is the importance of being kind to ourselves. Kind in the way we speak to ourselves, kind in the thoughts we choose about ourselves, kind in the actions we take to ourselves.
I feel that in our society, it is almost a badge of honour to push ourselves as hard as possible, to keep on going towards success “no matter what.” We pride ourselves on being mentally tough, and on being hard on ourselves as a tool of motivation.
But we need to remember that we are human, and that we are fuelled by Love more than fear. Kindness is a way for us to keeping choosing Love.
The way we think about ourselves is a CHOICE- we can choose to see ourselves positively, or negatively. We can accept ourselves, cheer ourselves on, and recognise our strengths and accomplishments while still staying humble.
We can choose to be kind to ourselves in our thoughts, and in the way we take care of ourselves (like going for a walk, giving ourselves fresh air, or giving ourselves plenty of time to accomplish a task).
I feel that it is beautiful to remember to be GENTLE towards ourselves as well. For example, I took a yoga class over the weekend, where the teacher instructed us that every choice we made should be the gentlest one for ourselves.
How often do we think of this? How gentle can we be in our thoughts, in the way we live our lives, in the choices we make?
On a personal level, being gentle with myself means giving myself plenty of down-time to just turn off.
I shared my thoughts on these topics in the videos below:
CHOOSING to Feel Good About Ourselves:
Being Gentle with Ourselves:
I hope that you find these videos helpful, and that they open a doorway to another way of seeing things. Please do get in touch and let me know!
EXCITING NEWS: Upcoming Workshops!
I am so excited to be birthing new collaborations with wonderful co-creators. In May, I will have workshops in Berlin, Amsterdam and Zurich. Please join us!
Embodiment Workshops:
Embodied Consciousness Open Studio Evening #8
“Out of our Heads & Into Our Bodies”
This Wednesday May 3rd, 8 pm
I will be co-teaching with Grinberg Practitioner Hanna Nordvist
Theme: Exploring needs and borders through the body
This training is not about finding the way to always do the right thing at the right time, but about exploring how to keep reconnecting to ourselves, by making time for noticing how we feel in our bodies and by allowing ourselves to follow what feels good for the body.
Embodied Consciousness Body Nourishing Series:
A collaboration with coach & Eurythmist Dara Cummins
Theme: Our Body’s Intuitive Nature
May 20th, 2-4 pm
Together we will explore what intuitive signals come from our body telling us the best decisions for us both physically and psychologically.
We will see how trusting our body’s intuitive wisdom, and not going into the mind to second guess ourselves, is very helpful when navigating our day.
Conscious Creation (Relationship with Ourselves/Manifesting):
Part of my “Signature Series” on Miracles
Deep Dive: Personal & Vibrational Alignment
May 14th, 1-4 pm
This workshop is based on my work as a coach- about creating a solid relationship with yourself as the foundation for knowing what you want most in life, and then using Law of Attraction to draw it towards you.
This workshop is designed to align you with yourself and life, in order to EASILY and NATURALLY attract your desires.
Masterclass for Female Entrepreneurs:
Boost Your Energy for Business Success
Collaboratioin with Trainer & Coach Violetta Pleshakova
Hosted by the WeFound Community
In our fast-paced entrepreneurial lives we sometimes lose our ground, disconnect from our inner center, and get tired and overwhelmed. How can we manage our energy to successfully run our business and not get exhausted?
We will take you on a journey of reclaiming your power, re-connecting with your essence, and establishing a strong energetic foundation for your business, so you can build your authentic success in a way that feels good and inspiring.
This workshop will also be offered in Zurich and Amsterdam later in May- please stay tuned for dates!
I hope you have enjoyed this week’s newsletter!
If you have any feedback or would like me to address any topics in my weekly Miracle Minute or Facebook Live videos, please do get in touch. I would love to hear from you.
Sending warm wishes for a Miracle-filled week,
xx Jobina
Jobina Bardai
Miracle Mentor & Life Coach
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