Dear Miracle-Makers,

I hope you are all well and happy, and enjoying a wonderful start to the week!

How has the month of May been going for you? The energy is quite powerful now- I feel like it is an energy of change. Momentum is picking up, and at the same time, I noticed that those around me are quite tired. If I can support you in any way, please do get in touch!

Speaking of Energy- this has been the theme of my Facebook Live videos this past week, in celebration of a new collaboration with one of my own trainers Violetta Pleshakova,

The wonderful WeFound Community is giving us the platform for our new Masterclass: Energize Your Business. Please read below for more details.

MIRACLE TIP: Energy: Our Greatest Superpower

To me, energy is our greatest superpower- it’s the life-force that allows our dreams to come to fruition. Energy allows us to be present for the people in our lives, to cultivate our businesses, to grow our money, and to be the people we most want to be.

As such, we must cultivate our energy with care. This starts by valuing our energy, and valuing where we place it. The ultimate questions is: are we putting our energy where we want it to have the most benefit?

We also take of our energy through the way we care for ourselves. This means getting enough rest and eating the right foods. It also spending time with people who share the same values, and surrendering gracefully what no longer serves us.Ultimately, it means taking exquisite care of ourselves

We can raise our energy by truly believing in ourselves and talking to ourselves in the most encouraging way possible. This ultimately means believing fully in ourselves and the beauty of our dreams.

Please find below the videos I made this week on energy, based on these topics:

Energy- Our Greatest Superpower:

Valuing Your Energy:

Energy for Business:

I hope that you find these videos helpful, and that they open a doorway to another way of seeing things. Please do get in touch and let me know!

EXCITING NEWS: Upcoming Workshops!

I am so excited to be birthing new collaborations with wonderful co-creators. In May, I will have workshops in Berlin, Amsterdam and Zurich. Please join us!

Masterclass for Female Entrepreneurs

Energize Your Business
Collaboratioin with Trainer & Coach Violetta Pleshakova
Hosted by the WeFound Community

In our fast-paced entrepreneurial lives we sometimes lose our ground, disconnect from our inner center, and get tired and overwhelmed. How can we manage our energy to successfully run our business and not get exhausted?

We will take you on a journey of reclaiming your power, re-connecting with your essence, and establishing a strong energetic foundation for your business, so you can build your authentic success in a way that feels good and inspiring.
*early bird tickets extended until Thursday May 11th!


Embodiment Workshops:

Embodied Consciousness Body Nourishing Series:

A collaboration with coach & Eurythmist Dara Cummins
Theme: Our Body’s Intuitive Nature
May 20th, 2-4 pm

Together we will explore what intuitive signals come from our body telling us the best decisions for us both physically and psychologically.
We will see how trusting our body’s intuitive wisdom, and not going into the mind to second guess ourselves, is very helpful when navigating our day.

I hope you have enjoyed this week’s newsletter!

If you have any feedback or would like me to address any topics in my weekly Miracle Minute or Facebook Live videos, please do get in touch. I would love to hear from you.

Sending warm wishes for a Miracle-filled week,

xx Jobina

Jobina Bardai
Miracle Mentor & Life Coach

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