Hello everyone!

I hope you’re happy, thriving, and enjoying a wonderful summer!

The past month’s videos were on another one of my favourite topics- Emotional Wellness. This involves actively taking responsibility for your emotions- going deep within to understand your frustrations, fear, worries and joys. It’s about learning what triggers us, and doing the inner work to come to peace with it.

To work through our emotions, we need to sit with them and FEEL them deeply. Allow them to pass through us, to give us information about where we are too scared and what we need to let go of. Or, where anger has arisen from our boundaries been crossed. Our emotions give us information all the time, and it’s our job to listen to them. Once we feel them, they do pass through us and we feel better. It’s only our judgement of emotions as negative that keeps us running. We need to face up to them, embrace them, own them, and then let them go. Then we are free to consciously choose the most productive emotional state for ourselves.

Emotional wellness about staying positive, but about staying true to what we’re feeling, and expressing ourselves safely and authentically- to ourselves, our families, our communities and to life itself.

Please do watch my videos below for a more in-depth conversation!!


Emotional Wellness: How to Get There

The Inner Work & Transformation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuQdscxj6CQ

Please do get in touch with me if there are other topics that you would like me to talk about!! I would love to know!

Wishing you a wonderful rest of the summer, full of Miracles!

xx Jobina

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