Hello Miracle-Makers,
I hope you’re well and happy and experiencing many Miracles!! What intentions have you set over the past year, and how are they unfolding?

It’s been a delightedly busy period for me! I gave the 2nd of my new monthly Miracle Mondays workshops, and it was wonderful. Thank you so much to all of those who participated, and dove deep so bravely.  We explored relationships of all kinds, and dug into how the challenges showing up there are actually mirrors for our own healing. Relationships are life’s way of bringing us our greatest lessons and clarity about our own selves.

June’s topic for my videos was our relationship with others. I also did a bonus on emotional wellness in challenging times- please do watch here to find out more!!

The Miracle of Relationships

Parents, children, significant others, co-workers and yourself- all are here to awaken you

Relationships: How they reflect what needs to be healed within ourselves
BONUS: Staying calm while in the storm

Miracle Mondays

The next Miracle Monday is coming up on July 8th- please join us to explore the Inner Work: the practice of diving deep into our inner selves and shining a light into our own layers. Here we examine our beliefs, motivations, passions, conditioning, sabotages, fears, limitations and wounds. With new-found awareness, we decide for ourselves what serves us and what to let go of in order to be fully alive in every aspect of our lives.

We will also focus particularly on two huge game-changers: our self-worth and on stepping into feeling fully deserving. Do join us for profound transformation!

The next Miracle Monday after this will be in September, and will continue monthly from there.

Interested in further transformation? Do contact me to talk about coaching- I am currently taking on new clients!

Wishing you a Miracle-filled July,
xx Jobina

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