Dear Miracle-Creators,
I hope you have all had a lovely and joy-filled week.
Thank you to those of you who have recently signed up to receive my newsletter. I love connecting with people, and it’s so exciting as I grow my business to see new names on my mailing list.
THANK YOU for your support. It means so much to me.
For those of you who are new, this is my weekly Miracle Minute – bite-sized inspiration on how to see, create and allow Miracles at every moment in your life.
These days, our lives are so fast-paced and we’re usually bombarded with information. I wanted to make my connections with you as digestible as possible- hence the Miracle Minute!
If you don’t have a lot of time, you can get a dash of Miracles in less than a minute.
Or, if you have more time, head over to my Facebook page (the link is below) and take your time watching my Facebook Lives videos (all of them are bite-sized at about 5 minutes long).
I hope you find some inspiration to kick-start your week!
Please do feel free to email me back or connect with me over social media. I would love to hear your feedback.
Let’s dive in!:
I am currently visiting my family in Vancouver, and spent the last week DECLUTTERING.
It can get confusing living between 2 countries and having things in two places. I decluttered my place in Berlin last month, and now I was determined to do the same in Vancouver.
I had been meaning to do this for awhile, but my last 2 trips to Vancouver were such a whirlwind, that I just hadn’t had time. Now this unfinished business was holding me back and making me feel drained, and I wanted to be done with it.
I’m quite organised with paperwork in general, but this time I made a point of going through every single box, drawer and file folder. I even tried on every piece of clothing in my closet.
By the end of it, I had 4 boxes to donate to the charity shop, shredded 4 garbage bags full of paperwork, and had 2 bags full of garbage. The things that remained are now really well organised and accessible.
What an accomplishment! I felt SO good about myself!!! I was so glad to tick off this major project off my list, and to finally know where everything was.
The point of this was to prepare for this new phase in my life. I have started this new business, and I need my head and my hands clear to focus on developing it to it’s full potential, and to connecting with wonderful and inspiring people.
In order to create Miracles, we need to be ready to receive.
That means ending all postponements. Completing all those projects we have been meaning to do. Potentially letting go of people and situations that no longer serve us (painful, but necessary).
Then we no longer carry guilt or stress about things we haven’t yet finished or that holds us back.
Then we are free to be fully alive to life and the moment. Our hands and our hearts are free to receive Miracles. Our eyes our free to see all the Miracles within us and around us.
How can you create space to receive Miracles?
I was also busy this week creating more Facebook Live videos.
I call them Miracle Moments– like happy hour, with a dash of Miracles! Each video is approximately 5 minutes long, and I share my thoughts on how we can make Miracles in our lives everyday.
The theme of the past week was ALIGNMENT.
When our thoughts, words and actions are in alignment, we are at our most powerful. It’s such an exciting space to be and to create from!
This is the foundation for making Miracles.
Following on the section above about completions, this also refers to patterns in our thinking, speaking and doing.
We often put off changing our habits. But when we finally take responsibility to let go of what no longer serves us and instead make more positive choices, we invite in so many new possibilities.
You can find all 5 videos on my Facebook page:…
On Monday August 22nd, I shared about the importance of becoming aware of our THOUGHTS, and choosing ones that serve us best.
On Tuesday August 23rd, I spoke about the importance of our WORDS to support our thoughts, and choosing language that supports our goals.
On Wednesday August 24th, I shared about how when our thoughts and words are in alignment, taking ACTION is easy and inspired.
On Thursday August 25th, I spoke about how it feels to be out of alignment (we lose a lot of energy through lack of direction and resistance), and how to come back into being aligned.
On Friday August 26th, I shared about how when we are in alignment, our energy is easily directed and we feel so deliciously in flow. We have a powerful connection within ourselves, and then we start making Miracles!
I hope you enjoy the videos!
By next Sunday, I will have all the videos from the past two weeks on my new YouTube channel, and will send the links in my weekly email.
The theme for the coming week is Manifestation. Every day for the next 5 days,I will share how the inner work of alignment helps us to create Miracles in the outer aspects of our lives.
I give away 2 free coaching sessions per month. There are still 3 more days to enter for the month of August!
To enter, simply fill out the Clarity Questionnaire via this link:
This questionnaire will help you to dig deep and get clear about what you want in your life, as well as show you what is holding you back.
You can take as much or as little time as you like to fill it out- but the more you put in, the more you will get out of it!
Once you submit the questionnaire, it counts as your entry. I will also send you a copy back via email. I hope it inspires you to take action and kickstart the changes you desire in your life.
If you win the session, this questionnaire is also a great starting point for our work. How’s that for multi-tasking?
I contact the winners at the end of each month. I look forward to the sessions!
To close, I wanted to share this quote that I absolutely LOVE.
It resonates so much with the theme of Alignment that I focused on in the previous week:
Sending you much love and a big dash of Miracles,
xx Jobina